
Hi ! I'm Meg. I'm so glad you're here today




I grew to fall in love with all things nutrition and natural healing when I was looking for answers about why I struggled with crippling anxiety fatigue + low energy acne + skin conditionspersistent bloating , and weight gain. Honestly, so embarrassing to look six months pregnant after eating a good meal (i know some of you feel me) and even to be asked multiple times if I was pregnant due to severe abdominal bloating.

By trade, I am a speech language pathologist in the medical field. I have deep understanding of anatomy, the body systems, and the brain too (nerd alert lol).

This also gave me access and insight into the ways some of our medical system is failing those looking for deeper answers to their health issues. Disease is often considered normal and we are given pill after pill to “cover up” and bandaid our underlying medical problems, body imbalances, and/or nutritional deficiencies.


This set my inspiration to become a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP).

I believe in healing mind, body, and spirit by using

t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l

nutrition to set your tone.

AND if you are anything like me, you probably understand or are learning that there is often a ROOT CAUSE to our “disorders” and we have the P O W E R to heal our bodies.

If you FEEL ME, I have some further questions for you → →


- Suffer from crippling anxiety making you feel crazy, scared, + confused?

- Wake up in the morning still tired and feel in a fog?

- Get dizzy and have low energy throughout the day?

- Look like a balloon with bloating after eating a good meal?

- Quickly gained weight and have difficulty losing it?

- Have digestive pain, discomfort, or acid reflux?

- Experience frequent breakouts and/or chronic acne?

- Feel lost with the constant bombardment of new “health” tips and tricks in this world?

- Want to heal your body + mind with some natural help?


Well . . . YOU ARE in the RIGHT PLACE and I am

SO THANKFUL & HAPPY that you are here with me.

Because, I once too felt all those things on a daily basis.

However, I was able to remove all of those “symptoms” I was experiencing and now I am confident to evolve into my best self. I want you to feel that way too!